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Posts posted by kidofthe80s

  1. Hello There


    Was giving my Z and quick inspection this morning and notice the coolant in the reservoir tank was below the minimum mark.


    Any advice on what type or brand of coolant should I be topping up my reservoir tank with ?


    Read previous posts and it looks like folks use genuine Nissan coolant L248 Premix ? Is this OK for a 2005 Z ? What a typical cost of bottle of this coolant ?


    For reference the coolant appears to be a mixture of green/blue in color.


    Thanks for your help in advance. Kidofthe80s

  2. Morning All


    Happy Easter !


    I have a replacement gear surround panel which i'm going to install today in my 350z. Existing one is badly scratched...


    Have taken the original surround off but I'm stuck on how you actually remove the temp & aircon dials....I've taken the back off the controller unit but there are no obvious clips or screws in place.


    Attached some pictures of where I've got too so far...any help or advice would be much appreciated !!! Thanks !







  3. Hello There


    I've got an original set of 4 x 18" touring alloy rims which I like to keep....wondering how folks are storing theirs alloy rims (so as not to get them scratched or damaged) ?


    Was looking at the below items as a method of storing in the garage / shed....any thoughts ?









  4. Hello There


    Can anyone advise how I can remove some large watermarks on the head lining board of my 350z ? Its not bad but I notice them - watermarks caused by leaking rear window washer... :shrug:


    Reading on other forums the advice given is to use :


    - using tent cleaning fluid.

    - Autoglym interior cleaner.

    - Actually steam cleaning (gently) the watermarks off.


    Any specific cleaning products / techniques / advice would be great appreciated.



  5. Morning All...


    Thanks again for all your comments and feedback...really great ! 8)


    With regards to the front and rear washer jets...I took at look them before I took the car in for a service...rear one working, front one not working.


    I checked the non return valve (as per the advice) on the forum and it was all good. Just nothing coming from the washer pipe to the non return valve....however I can still hear the pump working. It wasn't until after the service that I was advise that the rear and front washer hoses had been reversed !?!. So the technician reversed them so I now have a working front washers and nothing in the rear.


    Question : Is there a separate washer pump for front and rear washers or do them feed of the one pump ?


    My assumptions are

    - Pump delivering fluid to rear washer has failed.

    - Blockage at the pump outlet delivering fluid to the rear washer.

    - Blocking in the pipework delivering fluid to the rear washer.


    Any ideas...


    Thanks for the advice around respected garages - will give Kazier and Abbey a call ?

    Looking at where Kazier are based...they are about a 40mins drive from me. What do folks normally do...drop the car with them and stay on site ? As doesn't seem much around their neck of the woods...

  6. Evening Fellow Z'ers


    Picked up my Silver Z 2005 (69k) under 2 weeks ago and I've had an absolutely fantastic time driving it.

    We've done couple long runs up and down the M4 / M20 and its been a dream to drive - I've had constant smile on my face ! :teeth:


    However with any used car I've purchase in the past, I've always taken into the local garage/dealership for a service, in this case a P1, which I had this morning. Pick up the car late this afternoon, wasn't

    expecting much...however they came back with the following advisories (see attached image). Forget about the window washer - front window washer is working fine now...rear one is dead. Apparently washer

    hoses where swapped around ?! :blush:




    Questions I have for fellow members on the forum to comment on :


    - What are members views / comments on the prices quoted by the dealership ? Fair ? Rip off ?

    - Between the shocks and the bushes which do you suggest I get done sooner rather than later ?

    - Can any members recommend a trusted garage / technician to do the work in my area - Bromley area (BR7 / BR1)?


    Would appreciate any feedback / comments before I whip out my debit card out, again, fork out £1600 !


    Feeling a bit deflated after the service. Thanks in advance, Raymond


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