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Posts posted by e-c-h

  1. Ok cool, thanks for the replies! My steering feels a little skippy sometimes and can pull about on the steering wheel do wasn't sure if that would be s contributing factor. The car has been lowered do I reckon that it may just be the nature of the beast!




    You need your wheel alignment done. Sounds like the toe is out.


    If you lowered it and never had the geometry done this will be your problem


    Thanks for the reply Dave, it was lowered before I bought it but have had the wheel alignment done a few days ago and re-checked, all spot on. Is much better after alignment but I still feel like it's a little skippy.


    What tyres do you run? You would not believe the difference a tyre makes. I had very skippy tyres on my E36, when I changed to PSS it was magical ^_^


    At the moment they are Falken FK 452, I think! They are the tyres that were already on when I bought the car. Do you think that those tyres would make that much difference??

  2. Ok cool, thanks for the replies! My steering feels a little skippy sometimes and can pull about on the steering wheel do wasn't sure if that would be s contributing factor. The car has been lowered do I reckon that it may just be the nature of the beast!




    You need your wheel alignment done. Sounds like the toe is out.


    If you lowered it and never had the geometry done this will be your problem


    Thanks for the reply Dave, it was lowered before I bought it but have had the wheel alignment done a few days ago and re-checked, all spot on. Is much better after alignment but I still feel like it's a little skippy.

  3. Ok cool, thanks for the replies! My steering feels a little skippy sometimes and can pull about on the steering wheel do wasn't sure if that would be s contributing factor. The car has been lowered do I reckon that it may just be the nature of the beast!




    You need your wheel alignment done. Sounds like the toe is out.


    If you lowered it and never had the geometry done this will be your problem


    Thanks for the reply Dave, it was lowered before I bought it but have had the wheel alignment done a few days ago and re-checked, all spot on. Is much better after alignment but I still feel like it's a little skippy.

  4. Ok cool, thanks for the replies! My steering feels a little skippy sometimes and can pull about on the steering wheel do wasn't sure if that would be s contributing factor. The car has been lowered do I reckon that it may just be the nature of the beast!



  5. Hi all,


    So Finally found my knock being the locking nut on the engine brace bar. Probably a silly question but would the adjustment of the Bar affect the feel of the steering in anyway?


    Would appreciate any help,



  6. Hi all,


    Sorry to open up and age old discussion again. I need a little help I have got the from knocking on my 54 350. I have had my mechanic loon at it and he can't see anything worn he has also had the pry bar on it and doesn't seem to be much movement in the ball joint. I am thinking it has o be compression are. My mechanic says that there are three compression on each from corner though? Which would be the likely culprit?


    Many thanks, can't wait to sort this bloody knocking out!




    I know how you feel, I have noticed a knocking and a clicking, so my new years list will no doubt include banana arms and drop links.


    I have a feeling father Christmas is bringing me some lowering springs so a suspension overhaul is on the cards.




    Right so as previously said, had all bushings checked over and some replaced. Had the banana arm kindly supplied by Alex and fitted in attempt to sort out the knocking. No luck was still getting the knock. Was standing looking at the engine scratching my head and thought I would have a play with the engine brace bar when I found that the left hand locking nut was only finger tight. Got a spanner on it tightened it up and would you believe it no more knocking. What a bast**d!!

    • Like 1
  7. Hi all,


    Right so bit of an update, I have now had the banana arm replaced. Knocking seems to have improved a bit but it is still there!! I hadn't appreciated this but the car has been lowered could this be something to do with it?

  8. Hi All,


    Does anybody have a step by step guide of how to replace the banana arm/ lower compression rod? I am under the impression that the sub frame has to be removed is that right?


    Any help would be much appreciated,


    Many thanks,



  9. Hi all,


    Sorry to open up and age old discussion again. I need a little help I have got the from knocking on my 54 350. I have had my mechanic loon at it and he can't see anything worn he has also had the pry bar on it and doesn't seem to be much movement in the ball joint. I am thinking it has o be compression are. My mechanic says that there are three compression on each from corner though? Which would be the likely culprit?


    Many thanks, can't wait to sort this bloody knocking out!



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