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Posts posted by aevans692

  1. I have now discovered that the after market cat 1 alarm that is fitted is a toad ai 606, the issue I now have is that I don't have the 4 digit code to add any additional key fob's , I have found the alarm unit , but is fitted inside a shielded case , so I can't get the serial number from it without hassle .. I have been quoted £200 for a full alarm service and a few new key fob's , looks like I'm going to have to pay up on this and get them ...


    would be a pain to lose/malfunction, my key fob , until then













  2. Hi all


    Ok I bought a jdm 350z a few weeks bk , it only came with one key and an after market alarm fob , the alarm fob unlocks and locks the doors , it also disarms an immobiliser which is shown by a red/green led fitted by the ignition ..


    Now I have gone to get a spare key cut , and the guy quotes me £55 he tells me there is a passive immobiliser which is controlled by a chip in the key ??


    Is this correct ? Would I still need a key with a chip for £55 even tho is has a secondary immobiliser ? Or would the factory system been disabled to make way for the after market unit


    Any info on this would be great thanks ðŸ‘

  3. Hi , all .. not sure if this is posted in the right place ..


    Was just wondering how difficult is it to swap out the exhaust on the 350z , the front couple of sections ( cat , y peace ) are looking very old with signs of corrosion, and the bottom heat shield has corroded through , I haven't had a chance to get the car up on stands and asses the difficulty , but it looks like the bolt from the cat to the manifold are well hidden ... The car has just recently passed a mot , it was done when I bought it last week , so the exhaust isn't blowing .. ( yet)


    any thoughts on how to tackle this, I don't have access to any lifts , can this be done off of jacks and stands ?


    one last thing , as my car is JDM import is it tested to the same standard on emissions and the uk version , ? can I swap out the cats for de-cats ? or is HFC a much more of a sensible option ..


    Thanks guys . .

  4. ok , thanks , just checked out the OBDMATE OM500 on ebay , as that was listed to work , my other question is , if I order it from china do we know if I have to pay import duty on it , as ones in the uk are expensive .. .



    or am i looking at the wrong reader ...



  5. Hi guys , please excuse my ignorance as this has prob been posted to death , but i haven't had much luck with this ..


    Im after a fault reader for my 350z , it is a import .


    I bought a U480 Universal OBD2 but this doesn't work , so I looked in to it a bit more and bought 2014 Launch X431 Creader VI+ 6 OBD&EOBD&JOBD ,this doesn't work either


    neither of these even light up , nothing , tho they do work as I tested them on my bmw ..


    I can't keep buying reader that don't work lol.. so I was wondering if there is a cheap reader which does work ? is there a list of compatible readers , any info on this would be great ..


    thanks Andy

  6. Hello all ..


    Thought I would introduce myself , Im Andy from kent , I have recently bought myself a 350z , I wanted a second car as a bit of a toy , and within my budget the 350z seemed like the best option , I took a fair few cars out , but the 350z had my attention ..


    I have a couple of questions , and thought that this might be the place where I would get some answers ..


    I live in kent , and have played with cars for a long while , I'm 35 now , I did have motor bikes but promised my wife I wouldn't get another .. so hear I am ..


    I will try a post a couple of pics of my new car if Im allowed
















































    Well thats my Z , it has a few things that need attention .. but am liking it so far ...

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