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Posts posted by Bowlhead

  1. I am wondering if anyone knows how to change the PIN number from 1234 on the stock BT adaptor?


    Reason being is I'm clutching at straws to try to get the adaptor to recognise my Samsung S4 Mini. Lots of modern smartphones don't work with the adaptor. A Hyundai article said that by changing the PIN, the problem was solved. Just thought I'd try the same thing with the Nissan...

  2. So.. 'Auto Bluetooth' did nothing at all. So I scrapped that and tried 'Bluetooth Auto Connect' which to be fair to the developers, comes with various FAQs about different options to try to get a result and that they couldn't guarantee anything. I didn't get one. The best I could force it to do was to auto-reconnect every time it disconnected, which made it 'ping' every 10 secs or so as it cycled through the connect-disconnect routine and still dropped calls midway. The damn things just don't want to talk to each other.


    Am beginning to resign myself to accepting that the Nissan BT adaptor simply does not support some newer phones (see attached). Unless anyone knows how to change the BT adaptor pin code...??


  3. I've read around this issue and have downloaded an app called 'Auto Bluetooth' to my Samsung S4 Mini which claims to activate the BT connection when required and has other options such as 'persistant connection' etc. to hold BT open when not actually active. This feature may drain the battery fast but I've yet to test it. There are various other similar apps with similar claims available. Cross fingers! :blush:

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