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Posts posted by dwallis

  1. I've not really got a budget, because i'm not entirely sure what it is in need to do and what is actually wrong.....so as you all say, I'll get someone to have a look and assess the situation and go from there.


    Thanks for the advice, i'd have just gone and got some new shocks or something.


    Appreciate you taking the time! :teeth:

  2. Hi all, i've got an '03 350z fairlady and it think its time the suspension was replaced because the ride is becoming a little uncomfortable, even the smallest bumps or level changes have me thrown about in my seat.


    I've had the car for about two years but i am pretty much a n00b, so any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated!!!


    Should i replace the suspension?

    If so, with what? The ride and handling are equally important to me, so OK handling with an OK ride are perfectly acceptable.

    Where should i go for fitting?

    Anything else i should be considering?


    Thanks Y'all

  3. I had the same release bearing noise in my 200sx in all the 7 years I owned it and a similar noise in the 3 years I've had my Zed. If it is not slipping, or the DMF isn't causing a distinct judder when in use, its probably ok.


    Thank you for the info, i think i'm going to see how it goes for the next few months. i've got a guy putting some de cats on this saturday and have asked him to check it out and see what he thinks. Luckily its someone i trust so i'm confident i'll get a straight answer.

  4. Welcome, I've had my Zed about 3-4 months so far.

    Unless the clutch is depressed at idle this is the loudest stock clutch I've ever owned.

    Theres a distinct noise when its not depressed.


    Is this what your referring to?


    Hi Z Dedicated, thanks for the welcome.


    No the noise/s only start when either slightly diping the accelerator or pulling away in between revs of 600-1,200 (roughly).


    when the car is just ticking over its got a lovely low hum (when warmed up) not very noisy at all really.

  5. if you think your current clutch is noisy wait till you fit a lightened single mass one......


    Ahh yes, but that'll be the right kind of noise though won't it? Not like mine where is a strange tinny ring, with a lower mechanical grinding?


    Obvs its very hard to discuss sounds over the forum lol :band:

  6. Is your clutch worn? Or are you changing it because you want a lightweight flywheel?


    The reason I ask, is because the stock clutch/fly is fine for most applications including a supercharger until it needs replacing.


    My car has done over 30k miles FI on the OEM clutch and fly 20k of which with over 400 bhp without issue including a few track days. However, I have not been on a drag strip though.


    Don't get me wrong, I will change to a lightened flywheel and uprated clutch when the time comes, but just letting you know it's not mandatory.


    Good question, there are two main reasons for me changing them which i've decided on after speaking to a few people and reading a number of articles on here, but i'm not overly sure which information amungst that is the truth :surrender: so i've just made some guess really


    Firstly, there is no slipage from the clutch, it performs quite well, especially as i like to go fast all the time, i can't help it after having crappy cars most of my driving life :drive1 BUT there is a distinct noise or group of noises coming from underneath the car when i'm pulling off with the revs ranging from sub 1000 up to 1,200ish. Its not a loud noise but it can definitely be heard with the windows down, the first noise i've noticed is a tiny/ringing noise and the second noise is more machanical sounding (not really sure what i mean by that lol), so its more of a light crunching or grinding. This has been suggested that its the release baring which means the entire clutch needs replacing(this is what i've been told anyway, is this true?)....AND when you do that i know that you might as well change the flywheel as well.


    Secondly, i was under the impressions that uprated clutch and flywheel mean mores BHP, but from what you've said and few other bits of information, begging to doubt whether thats true or not???


    As i said before, any and all information/advice is greatly appreciated.


    My main goal in all of this is to get my girl flying at over 400bhp, without ruining her.....and to also get her sounding pitch perfect, so no funny noises etc.

  7. Welcome aboard dwallis. Can't go wrong with Clark Motorsports or any of the other traders on here tbh. They treat us very well. :D


    If you're going for big power though like with FI in the future then definitely consider getting the best clutch/flywheel combo now that can handle the power you'd hope to be getting. Would be a real pita and expense doing it twice. ;)


    Great timing :thumbs: , i was just about to ask that as i plan to put FI in and a super charger in sometime in the future, hopefully next year.....but i've got my stupid wedding in the way first lol :bang:


    Thanks GMballistic :)

  8. Morning All (sorry iff in wrong place or if i'm being too n00by), i've got a JDM 03' 350z only 52k miles, but i want to start modding the car and getting some more BHP out of the girl before i start making her look pretty :D so i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what clutch and flywheel to get please? I've only had her remapped and a k&n air filter put in, but i've got some de cat pipes i'm going to put on when the clutch and flywheel are replaced.


    Can anyone point me in the right direction? And also point out any n00b mistakes i am making or that i'm likely to make along the way?


    Thanks guys n gals.....some absolute beauties on here, very jealous!!

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