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Posts posted by 3fiddleyzed

  1. Went to go and see it - wasn't allowed a test drive unless I agreed a deal and the only thing that could make me back out is if the car wasn't right somewhere.. Im done with salesmen. As advised I am going to get the wheels done and audi really tidy, put a grand or 2 aside and wait for one to come up privately, hopefully on here

  2. What would work in my favour is the one in trader in Burton also has an avant version of my car for sale with lesser wheels and no black optics pack for 8700. That will help my way. Im still confused about that grey one in burton - If Im correct, its revup engine but it has the bonnet bulge bumper? Im just about to go look at this too - Older than I would have liked but could be clean.

    I don't want to spend beyond my means which I think an HR is.



  3. We buy any car offers 7 too but apparently you take it there and they just knock it down on minor things i.e. the odd stonechip. Is 7k really too much for that? I see you got yours for that but yours is higher mileage and older - like you say though its on condition and SH more than mileage. I'll see how it is and report back. Thanks

  4. Cheers mate - I always have that worry when people are looking round my car for sale that they are scoping the house out after being burgled in the past... My car is in very good nick and has been well looked after and I think I will be losing out on a grand on part exchange but doing one deal and not having time wasted etc is a lot easier. I like my audi a lot but just want that noise and grin factor again. The fact I like the audi will mean I will hold out for the right Z which is good.

  5. Wow Jim nice timing! thank f*ck you turned up haha. When I went to see it it was in the bodyshop!!! I was a bit annoyed with what they offered me for audi so walked out anyways. I noticed earlier services were late on it too. I'll check out this grey one as its seeming HR is a little out of budget - what did you go for?


    Thanks too!

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  6. There is also the thing that If he gave me 7 for mine, I got him to 7.5 I'd only be 500 out which I'd pay out of my paycheck and not have to do a savings dip. We will see. Thanks for all the help/input! I'll test Saturday, if its bang on I'll contact him the following week. I'll try and test drive the blue one next week also

  7. Is that definitely high tax then that grey one? How much would you say its worth? I could sell the audi privately but it would be like a chain effect - don't want to be without a car and also don't want pressure time wise with getting the 350z.


    Ideally, don't want to go over 8k budget wise...

  8. Hi all, been looking through buying guides etc and will be test driving the first 350z this weekend. Guides have been really useful.

    Currently driving an a4 2.0T special edition (07). I really do like car - its built well and has a bit of go but I'm missing the grins my jap cars gave me and feeling old before my time (am 24).

    I have relocated with work and am doing far fewer miles so thought why not. I average around 28 in a4 - 23-25mpg wont upset me....My man maths are strong and I'll be busy with window down and open ears. B)

    Car wise I went from starlet turbo x2, s13, Toyota Levin bz-r then to the audi. Booked in to see this on Saturday - will it be the 280hp engine and should I be bothered if not?





    Thanks and hello!

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