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Posts posted by freakazoid3

  1. I know what you're saying but I don't want to waste his time asking him alsorts off Q's when I can't have it solved through him :/ Seems like taking advantage off hos knowledge without actually doing business with him... :(

  2. Anyone got any hints on how I get on with getting my car to be drive again? Lost my one and only key to her and she's an import...

    Thinkig off buying a used lock set an keys and matching ecu and swapping everything over to ge her to start again...

    Anyone got suggestions?

  3. As per title, looking for a driverside rear light cluster as I broke mine this weekend by *just* hitting a stack off tyres posing as a chicane at the drifttrack...


    No silly prices please...Please PM me if you've got something and prices delivered to 9120 Melsele, Belgium please ;)


    Thanks! :victory:

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome guys :thumbs:

    Well yeah breaking my GB on it's first outing isn't what I was hoping for but yeah I guess you live and learn ;)

    I live between Antwerp en Gent in Belgium, thus the Flemish speaking part...

    And yeah I got her off good ol ebay... :surrender:


    Oh and thanks for directing my towards a replacement box ;)

  5. Hi guys, first time Z owner here :)

    I just bought my very first 350 last week on Thursday in the UK and trailered her home.

    Nice Jap grey jap import but unfortunately my gearbox decided she had enough after one days abuse and now she's stuck in third and I need a new box :(

    So if anyone can help me out with a decently priced box sent to Belgium, feel free to PM me and I'll try and in the mean time I'll try to upload some pics off her :)

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