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Posts posted by yorkshire

  1. Thank you for your reply will check this out, is there any other places to check? I think what I am going to have to do is check all the lights etc. I just wasn't sure if this had happened to anyone else.

  2. Very new so I am sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section but didn't feel it was "technical"

    So I picked up the 350 yesterday and I noticed a small amount of water in the boot under the spare tyre. It hadn't been there long and doesn't appear to have caused any damage. There was a downpour before I picked the car up and so I think that is what lead to it but obviously it shouldn't have got in.

    If anyone has any suggestions or could point out the drainage holes that I could check that would be really appreciated as I don't fancy a swimming pool in the boot.


    Thanks :)

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