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Posts posted by ashtones

  1. I've got a 350, which Charlie did a car back on last year. I showed him the sound I wanted from YouTube clips and he nailed it. Nice a sporty not too raucous.


    He's a top bloke and knows his stuff, we've had our corvette done there and my mate had his v10 m5 and it sounds amazing!

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  2. Random question, but were you behind me coming out of the John Lewis car park on Friday? If so really sorry to hear about the accident but glad you are ok! There was a silver Zed behind me but I think it was an import. Not many around the area so would be a stange coincidence as it was heading down the bay at about 12am.


    Yeah that was me mate! Had been in to town to drop a friend off and was heading home when I saw you :( Wasn't an import but if had the front smooth and a square plate which may have made you think that?


    Really sorry to hear that. Glad you are safe though. Make sure you get yourself another one!

  3. I know you have just written the Zed off, but I had a cat back from Charlie 9 months ago and it transformed the sound to a really good sporty performance tone, not too loud, but enough to keep me happy. If you get another one, I'd really recommend it as the early Zed's struggle with producing much noise from the Standard pipes and Charlie is a bargain compared to Scorpion/Cobra budget off the shelf mods.

  4. Random question, but were you behind me coming out of the John Lewis car park on Friday? If so really sorry to hear about the accident but glad you are ok! There was a silver Zed behind me but I think it was an import. Not many around the area so would be a stange coincidence as it was heading down the bay at about 12am.

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