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Posts posted by Rich1989

  1. Hello and a belated :welcome: Rich. Thanks for coming to Cosford, hopefully see you in a Zed soon.


    How's it going with the search and sale of the Civic?


    I have seen a few Zeds which I like but not really been able to look properly yet - had no luck selling the Civic which has scuppered my chances of a Zed for now. As soon as it sells I can take a week off and go car hunting.

  2. I'm bored at work mate, got all day to implement one thing that'll take me about 1 hour to do... Catching up with 4OD at the moment :lol:


    Christmas? As long away as that...


    Im bored aswell, being paid to do **** all is a ball ache but im off to London for 2 days tomorrow. Had no interest in the Civic at all its pissing me off I need a 350!


    You need carbon bits to match the exhaust now

  3. I came from DC2. Having power on tap is awesome but it did take me a while to get used to not having my ears explode at 5k+ rpm!! (My DC2 exhaust was so loud!!). I dont think I would go back to vtec now.


    Mine is aswell, well until i fitted the cat and a bigger silencer but now its soo slow! I was suprised how well the 370z revs and keeps the power all the way to the redline - hopefully the 350z is similar as ive never atually driven one lol

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