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Posts posted by Jeff147

  1. Evening all,


    As I will be picking up the zed next week all being well I though I may as well try get some tips on where she should be taken for servicing, mot's etc. I live in Loughborough so not so far from leicester, derby or Nottingham. Anyone live around here with a zed and anywhere you would reconend or avoid?




  2. Cheers guys,


    Yeah it really does seem to be a buyers market at the minute, I am keeping my eyes peeled!! My current cars (I'm not going to embrace myself by declaring my current ride) gearbox has failed, well a bearing seems to have gone it drives but makes so right noise, so currently got no transport to go view until next weekend when I will be renting a car to go have a look at a couple.

  3. Sorry mate,


    Ha I should look a little closer!!


    Nice, I am starting to swing towards an earlier model than the '06 now for tax reductions. What's the reliability like in general for these motors? What in people's opinions is an avarge yearly spend? Taking insurance tax and fuel out of the equation.


    Did the earlier models still have the option for sat nav? I'm asking as I am guessing if so I may still find one in my quest to find a clean example.

  4. Afternoon all,


    Looking at purchasing my first zed, and looking for a little advice. I really want a 2006/2007 GT - I have a budget of around £8-9,000. Do you think this is achievable to get something reasonable?


    How much would you put away for general maintenance?


    How much does a year’s tax cost?


    I have read a lot on the fuel consumption, I will be using the car as my main mode of transport and probably do no more than 5 miles Mon - Friday each day and 200miles every other weekend. 190 of the 200miles is strait up the M1. Will most of this be running at 24MPG or less?


    Really keen on getting one really soon, in the next couple of weeks as my current motor has pretty much died on its wheels. Anyone seen any zeds worth checking out online?


    Cheers guys

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