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Posts posted by Ahleckz

  1. Good evening, I'm Alex (a 24 year old man... Wait, this isn't a dating site is it?!). I've been lusting over Zeds for ages, and almost bought one a couple of years ago but backed out because of insurance and uncertainty with my job.


    Weirdly, it's my job situation now which is making me resume the search. I hate my job, and they've just given me an awful company car (1.2 Clio - eek) so I'm thinking about moving on and the time is right to get a Zed!


    Been lurking on these forums for a while, seems like good info - and every few months I've been known to poke my head into the trading post to see if anything close takes my fancy.


    So yea, just looking to have some laughs on the forum and hopefully if my purchase is happening soon then I'm really keen to get involved with the community.



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