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Posts posted by Lee-Bmth

  1. Builder49 ~ yeah that's my thoughts the navara looks the business. I did hear horror stories ref the navara engine, but i think everyone has a horror story about some car lol.


    Tarmac ~ Ah cool, that's not bad MPG on the BMW... i do alot of company miles so wanna cut even. Test drives needed I think.


    Your old 350z, been running well, cost me a small fortune in tyres, bulb replacements, belts lol but shes been running lovely, need to tidy roof up as some small chips appeared which put buyers off, hardly put any miles on her, and feels a waste...


    Actually heres the link to her (also listed in "ebay or other")



    Cant work out if i over priced .. so difficult to judge


    I've been looking at the Navaras, my brother in law had an L200 and had major issues costing him £1000's which put me off a bit, I do think it looks better though.


    I have a 535d msport for my daily, it's a 3.0l twin turbo, plenty of torque and power, reasonable mpg return, lots of electronics which is good and bad when they stop working, worst than the 350z in the snow but all in all a lovely car to drive.


    I seem to have a similar car taste as you, I buy your 350z, and now looking for a 535, lol or possibly Navara going on the latest thoughts, going to hit autotrader in a sec. Curious, how do you find the 535, are you getting more than 30mpg around town? How about on a good run?

  3. Interesting reading! I think going on the poor mpg (Which I kinda presumed) on the L200, I'll give that a miss.

    I've started to look at the Pathfinder, they're actually a nice looking bit of hardware and its a Nissan :D interesting about the MPG, not that bad and I like the idea of the "Plug and play" box!


    Think I need a test drive, then debate what I want out of that or a bmw lol.. never easy eh

  4. Anybody owned the new shape L200 Animal range? I hear the Animal edition has a few bhp more and creature comforts. I'm debating between this and a 335d BMW, quite a huge difference in car choices lol, but the L200 would suit my surfing lifestyle, but the flip side i do travel around a fair bit, and i don't trust the MPG examples on auto trader... and I'm torn, so if you had the L200 Animal would love to hear thoughts on MPG, comfort reliability... cheers

  5. That's all fair and well having the "power", but with a Beemer you just blend in with the other traffic, such as a yaris or scenic etc.


    The Zed brings a look from others, whether stationary, pooling at 60 or feeling frugal with the go pedal.


    There's not many cars on today's roads that gets the looks the Zed receives. I'd never downgrade to a Beemer and that's how I look at it.


    The Z has passion, history, the looks and curves, the luxury mods and for a fair price too. Then there's the forum, are we seriosuly thinking any Beemer forum would compare to this.


    This is why the Zed would hold pride on the über cool wall


    Nuff said.



    Agreed, for me the Z is unusable in the week due to the mileage I do, fuel gets eaten .. but will return to the Z in the future, beautiful machine, for now its the BMW badge for me

  6. Funny enough I'm looking at the 335diesel and 535disesl, some serious grunt for a oil burner, i think top gear loved the 335 , the way i see it why go for the 330, when theres not much in price difference in the 335 (not actually a 3.5 its a 3.0 twin turbo) i think lol

  7. Ah right , yeah sounds like ill walk away with 2k with these guys lol


    Ah i would wack the link up, but I'm more of a reader on here than a poster,so don't have required post count. Good idea though :-)

  8. So ive placed my Z on autotrader, and received a text message from a website called www.sales-autotrader.com with a unique purchase id number, i can enter into their site lol, offering me almost the full asking price, smells to me! Anyone heard of this before? Seems legit pmsl

  9. hmm yeah think id give the alfa a miss, nice looking though. im not a huge ford fan, unless its the F150 lol ...

    I reckon anything over 40mpg on a longrun ill be happy. Im actually impressed the subaru gets that much to the gallon!! interesting other suggestions, nothing has grabbed me more than the 330 sport so far .... lol

  10. VW T1 with porsche engine, now we're talking!! that would scratch the itch and look the business lol.


    Hear what you're saying ref the Audi/Volvo, but the one big green tick for me is the fact Ill still have a rear wheel drive car if I go for the BMW...

  11. The latest Navara 06 onwards is a nice beast, in black, with the chrome bars in the pickup section! Nice B)

    My worry is, pulling away / joining the motorway is going to be a frustrating task :lol:


    I think I'll test drive one of these things, would be ideal to chuck wetsuit / board / kite all in the ass and drive off.

    Although have found a nice BMW 3 330D Estate Sport in black... 188 miles away though.


    This has been really helpful, cheers all

  12. True, the slipway I use is so gentle i could use the polo lol.

    I think the BMW suggestions stand out. Ive looked at the navara, lovely beast but was worried it would feel tractor like, but they do look awesome. So to does the L200 Animal, but again tractor feel?

    XC90 interesting, ill look that up... cheers chaps

  13. wow, fast response gents! loving this!


    I do venture 'randomly' up on Salisbury Plain's for a little off-roading now and then, the XJ loves it! So I figured, if I got something that did as well it would do everything I need.


    Hmmm, I'm thinking the estate 530 M sport could be ideal... It's funny isn't it, when I look at 'estates' I think "family man, old...." lol. To be fair, this is probably everything I need. I shall look on autotrader and get a feel for these beasts above, cheers chaps! Maybe keep the XJ for my off roading toy, if the rust doesnt get to it first!

  14. Hey All,


    Looking for some ideas and what better place!


    I think I'll be selling my 350z :-( , its been sat on my driveway for 6 months, and used probably 10 times if that and seems a bit of a waste. Only use it when I'm about to clean it lol.


    I ended up buying a crappy little polo 1.4 to runabout in for work to save on fuel costs (as Im all over the place) and cherokee jeep xj to put my surf gear (kite surfing stuff)... and well, I look at the Z and think "what a waste" ... I'd love to drive it as a daily but its just not possible doing the mileage I do and how much it drinks lol.


    So I'm thinking sell all 3, and then spend around 6 - 8k on something that:


    - Can pull a jetski

    - Chuck my kite surfing gear in

    - Drive around the country in a nice environment

    - Has some beans and good on fuel lol

    - Looks nice


    So, I was thinking on the lines of:


    Jeep Grand Cherokee (3.0ltr diesel) around 2006 model, the one before the very latest ..


    Then figured, I could get an Audi A4 S-Line (3.0ltr diesel) and keep the Cherokee as it worth all of £500 and chuck my kite gear in that... but then I'm back to having more than 1 car again..


    Not to sure if I'm keen on the BMW x5 (for the money I have) it would be the older style..

    Have I missed anything obvious? lol



  15. I'm wondering if this will happen to me :( I bought my Z at the start of the year, and love it to bits, but its just sat on my driveway used once a week if that. So have wacked it up on Autotrader.. did drive it today to work and made my morning but thats one big expensive toy for a mornings enjoyment lol


    Look out Tarmac your old car is moving on to another Z owner maybe! Prob get around the forums lol

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