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Posts posted by dbaz193672

  1. Well my car went :teeth: but not for the money I wanted :wacko:


    But had to make a decsion sell and move on or risk just keep going round in circles,


    So I am now on the hunt for a uk GT, but I only have around £5,500 to spend ( I know that may offend but that's my budget) would be great if you are in or Norfolk.





  2. Thanks again guys,


    what is the MPG like on them, in the scoob £80 does me about 300 miles, if going steady or about 220 with spirited driving lol. also does the Z need v power, mpg is not a concern otherwise I would be looking at vw blue motion, just wondered if there are comparable.

  3. Hi Thanks for the welcome, here are a couple of pics, I am hoping she sells this weekend so that I can start hunting, I have seen that Toby has one for sale so I have dropped hm a pm as he is quite close to me, just depends what the scoob sells for, fingers crossed e-bay comes up trumps lol







    think i have done the pics right

  4. Hi All,


    Just wanted to say hello, I am currently selling my current car (Impreza Hawkye STi) to fund a 350z. Not sure which (coupe or Roadster) but from what I have seen would prefer a uk car as they seem to have better spec.


    Any hints or advice on what to look for would be great





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