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Posts posted by no7reg

  1. Hi


    This car was in Autozone garage in Coleraine, NI last week, where it sat for a few days before being bought by a dealer in England, or so I am told by one of their sales team there. As stated by previous poster believe it was a Non Gt (but with leather seats) which put me off slightly when I looked at it myself.



  2. Hi folks


    Apologies if I am hijacking thread but I am still keeping myself apraised of what to be looking out for via the forum, as I keep my eye out for the perfect Zed for me. I suspect with my budget that I will be talking 2005/2006 and that as a result mileage will be in area of 50000. Am I right in assuming from the various posts on subject of servicing that ideally a Zed should have had a P3 service by this stage or will be in need of one, hence potentailly adding a lot to initial purchase. If so something i will be sure to be aware of when looking at services documents


    Thanks for any advice on subject



  3. Hi all


    I am new to the forum as i have am looking to change my car and have been keen to find out the pitfalls of owning/running a car such as a z350, which is my favoured choice. Forum been great source of info so far in what to look for.Next stage obviously is getting a test drive to see if a 350 will live up to expectations. Made more difficult slightly as I live in Northern Ireland and not that many on market currently.


    However my question is regarding the Altezan leather which I really like the look of but I am imagining that it must be really difficult to maintain.Could anyone advise if this is the case please or should I stick to black?


    I anticipate that if I decide to go ahead and purchase I will be better off sourcing in UK in new year, to get colour I want i.e black or GM, so will be keeping an eye on the Zeds for sale column on forum


    PS Been driving vauxhall Calibras for past 12 years so bit of a step up to 300bhp no doubt




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