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Posts posted by scotchegg

  1. Would be great to get a few noob answers guys and perhaps make this sticky?


    I have a 350z black with scuffed stock wheels at the moment with a desperate need for new tires! CS will vouch for this.


    So , my options are..


    repair stock 18" wheels and buy new 18 tires.

    Buy new 18" alloys and New tires.

    buy new 19" alloys and New Tires.


    I have no ideas on the pros and cons and costs of this so would love some advice.

    Questions at the moment are..


    What are the benefits of 19 over 18, is it just they look bigger?

    Are there any cons of going to 19 inc?

    Does the alloy size restrict my tires options?

    What do terms staggering, spacing mean, and anything else i need to be aware of when making this alteration?

    is there a good alloy place in birmingham to visit for styles, fitting and advice?


    thanks for any help on these questions.



  2. The serv join was on my stock exhaust we weilded last winter, but its blowing again now.

    I could go see if they can weild it again, but in truth i think its time to bit the bullet and get a new exhaust.


    Anyone selling any or have any advice? I am looking at miltek or nismo for sound and looks.

    Other than this i know nothing about exhausts! hell i brought the car last year with a hole it in without knowing!

  3. Ok disaster.

    Reversed into a post today, will get a picture up tmrw.


    Basicly its back left passenger side, various scratches on the back panel side, and a bit of crush on the join to the passenger back side pannel and a bit of dent.

    so 2 panels effected.


    Should and how much will it cost to get them repaired, if they even can be?

    how much for 2 panels?! black!

    or what about a body kit??


    stressed out, in birmingham and looking for advice

  4. Only a few weeks into ownership and loving it . Had some mpg fun a few days ago , i drove from bham to solihull , about 10 miles. Late so little traffic, i cruised at 30 asmuch as i could, sometimes 36 when it was 40 . I pulled of in 2nd , dropped to 5th next then 6th. Put it in neutral and rolled at 15/20 mph downhill!


    Got exactly 37 mpg :)

  5. lol, I am looking at all options! Your champing me on the custom option mate!

    CS has a few options I want to look at, inc a blueflame? any idea on sounds?


    My worry , and i am going to call admiral tmrw is the impact an exhaust has on insurace if you do not replace it with stock?

    I am not after any performance gain or louder noise over stock OEM tbh. Just want a good looking (thick back tips like OEM) and nice low sound and nice price.

  6. was up at 730am cleaning her today!

    That brake dust in street lighting at night looks so dirty on black!


    Also first day wearing shoes today, damn you feel every kick through the pedals!

  7. Hey Guys


    Is there anyone who can take a look over or knows a good garage I can take my car too for a quick check over?

    I am not aware of anything been wrong with it mind, its noisey, heavy and clunky?! But to be honest I have stepped up from a fiesta 1.3 zietec, so i am in whole new ball game now. So it would be great to have someone take a look over it, listen to it, feel it and confirm that everything is as it should be who knows 350s.


    Does this make sense or am i been silly?



  8. Thanks guys, not sure what to do with this! I am not mechnical so had hoped for peace of mind from a warranty!


    I will be test driving tmrw, so if you have any advice on what to look for that would be really appreciated.

    I am aware of clicking from the drive shaft? Not sure if this is a deal breaker or not?

    Also the sync issues for 4 -5/6 in gear changes?


    So again if anyone has any advice or tips on what to test for when driving it would be great , again i am not mechanical so it is all new to me.



  9. HI Guys


    I am buying a used 350z, 46000 miles, 05.

    Picking it up tmrw after a fresh MOT is put on it.


    Would you say its worth getting a warranty and if so with who?

    I dont think anyone will cover the clutch as it is wear and tear, but other than this does anyone have any guidance on this?


    More importantly should i go with a Nissan warranty or somewhere like warranty direct?


    thanks for any help, heres hoping i never need to use a warranty!

  10. Hi


    sorry if this is the wrong section.

    I am looking for a an 04/5 350z with <70k miles.

    Color is not nailed down to be honest!


    Its frustrating as I was told by a dealer today someone in the Birmingham area with an orange 04 is looking to trade in for an A4 with them, and if he does he will be selling the 350 fr 12999! I would love to know what they are offering him for it! If only i could get to meet him first :(


    So if your in the Birmingham area and selling please drop me a shout.

    Ideally a forum man, someone who keeps it clean, looks after it and wants it to go to a good home :)

  11. Hi guys


    After starting my mission to buy a new car with the criteria been "A car i can use to pull up on a business clients car park and be taken serious" i have come along way! I have gone A3 -> TT -> RX8 -> 350z -> Alfa GT - > 350z again!


    Sadly while it is not business in the traditional sense, i have fallen in love! There is not getting away from it, and this was highlighted in my recent test drive in the Alfa when my heart went mad not while driving the GT, but when a 350 over took me! I knew I was in the wrong car then.


    So now I am looking for the right car.


    I have been on gunmetal, orange and black so far. If anyone knows of any good ones in the midlands please do dro me a shout.

    I have 9k saved already and can invest more any day now if needed. (I am just been a little cautious with my $$ incase the web business needs it over the next few weeks).


    Its killing me!

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