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Posts posted by swallet

  1. How about this one:


    I only say because it's mine!


    Unlike the blue one it hasn't been CAT D or been in any accident in fact.


    My price reflects the mileage (31,000) and the fact that I'd rather sell sooner rather than later.


    Sorry for the unashamed plug. I know I'm not a regular forum contributor but I've been a forum reader for 18 months.



    all the best,




  2. I have an auto.

    I must say not what I was considering initially, but the right car came up at the right price and it happened to be auto so I took it for a test drive.


    I was very impressed (well I bought it didn't I !). Nothing like the autos of old. Perfect for cruising around town and the commute, but slip it into manual and you can really crack on. I can confirm that the auto box is specced with syncro rev as standard, so every time you flick down a gear you get a nice blip.

    The only other auto I have driven is a DB9 and in all honesty, even compared to this the 370's box is pretty good.


    The only slight annoyance is that although the box will let you take it right to the redline and wont shift until you tell it (and no annoying beeps or flashing lights to warn you). If you let the engine revs drop too low (<1,500 or so) it will change down for you. This took some getting used to as I would change down as I approached some lights and the auto would think the same thing and end up shifting me down two gears. I've got used to it now. I let the car do the driving if I'm in traffic and going slow and flick to manual at all other times.


    Ultiamtely though had it been a striaght choice between a manual and an auto I probably would have followed my instinct and gone manual.


    In short..


    Give both a go.


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