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Posts posted by Glos-Boy

  1. I have a scorpion on my 182 atm, very impressed with it tbh, didn't get a sports cat for it tho.


    I checked the meets section for South West, and the next one is a meal in Bath, but i'll be going to JapFest 2, so i should be able to hear some exhausts there. Would be such a result if i could turn up in my own 350z :yahoo:

  2. WoW £600 is good! I'm not getting it that cheap :thumbdown:


    Must admit I’m all about the "sound" which was one other reason I’m after a V6, as i've heard/read such good comments about people missing the sound of the 350z once they get rid. Also i heard a 350z give it some beans in the local area, i was very impressed, no way was it standard tho.


    You have given me food for thought here, if i can find a 10k one with around 40k miles on the clock that would be ace!! Then spend the rest on mods, hmmm. I can see myself spending the rest of my work shift browsing this forum :lol:


    Or maybe spend the rest on the insurance and pay upfront (which is what i currently do) and just get an aftermarket exhaust, looking at one of the performance threads it seems like a Nismo one as then there is no problem fitting it to a UK 350z.


    Thanks for the opinions on my situation, much appreciated!

  3. Ruddles, i turn 26 in 2 days time, and hit 4 years no claims on the 19th of October. Never had any points or crash's (touch wood). I've never taken my TC off on my clio, im a bit of a wimp really ;) Sounds like i won't need to get winter tyres then, happy days!


    I'll do a search later to find out how you guys got on in the snowy months of the year, i bet that was an interesting experience!!!!


    Admiral were 'ok' on the quote i had, but the quote through Adrian Flux was slightly cheaper, but i'll be re-researching come October time when its due for renewal.

  4. Everyone said to me when i bought mine, why get one with cruise control, you'll never use it they said lol. Its brilliant! makes the zed even more luxurious, Such great all round cars.


    I can imagine its a very nice car to be in, and i've only ever looked at pictures or been looking at one from the outside, never sat in one yet.


    I use my cruise every day on my current clio, I’m lucky enough to drive to work outside of peak times. I do find my average mpg is a lot better also with the cruise on. I will have to try and not rush to buy one just because i want one ASAP and not make the mistake of getting one without cruise.

  5. Sorry i should of gone into more detail regarding the insurance issue, that Bradders pointed out. Because of the V6 clio being so rare, and every part on it costing so much, i had to get quotes from very specialist insurance companies, and the one company Greenlight insurance was the company who gave me the best quote who then turned me down. But when i've been getting quotes from normal car insurance companies like Admiral, Adrian Flux, and a bunch on comparison websites to get an idea, they were all a couple of hundred pounds cheaper than all the other quotes i had for the Clio V6. So i don't have to be going through Greenlight with the 350z. I called my current insurance company asking what it would cost me if i changed my car to a 350z on my current policy, and they said it would be £128 inc admin fee's, and gave me a years quote. Which i know will be cheaper when its time for renewal as im moving away from the city center to a nice area, and have a drive for the car and another years no claims, so im happy in the knowledge that i will be getting a sensible quote on the 350z without getting disappointed.


    :thumbs: about the fast lane comment tho!!


    As i will be driving it all year round, would it be worth forking out for winter tyres on the 350z? I have never driven a RWD car before so im a little concerned about the back end flying out unexpectedly, i've told myself to drive like a granny for the first year of owning the car anyways until i get to know it.


    Thanks for the comments.



  6. Hello everyone!


    I am currently in the process of selling my current car (Clio 182) and my heart is set on a 350z. My dream car was the Clio V6 MK2, but after getting insurance quotes and looking at the start up costs (tracker etc) it aint cheap. Then thinking even more about it, it would be nice to go in multi-story car parks sometimes ;) I did get a very cheap quote for the Clio V6, but then i was turned down because i didn't have any experience in a RWD car before :(


    I've been reading peoples comments on here for a few hours, and i will definatly have to go for a test drive in a 350z, the reason i have kept my 182 for nearly 4 years is because i luv the "raw" factor of the car, it "feels" fast, this is the only thing im concerned about regarding the 350z, people say its quick, but doesn't feel it, until you look down at your speedo. But my heart is definatly set on one, when i went to JapFest this year i spent a lot of time looking at the 350z's, and i just can't think of another car which ticks all of my box's like the v6 clio and the 350z does.


    I'm glad i checked this forum out, as i never knew there was soo many different options/types of 350z's out there, in regards to the options, heated seats, cruise etc. I must have cruise as i will be using it as a daily on the motorway. So looks like it will be a GT. It would be fantastic to be able to get one with a few mods done already, mainly the exhaust and air filter, different wheels (deep dish) would be another nice extra but no biggie. I'm looking to spend up to 12k, and hopefully one with as low miles as possible due to me using it daily on the motorway.


    I do still have a lot of questions, but i'm still in the process of searching and reading this forum for my answers. :)


    Just thought i'd say hi, and im from the Gloucester area but work in Bristol. I've ordered my JapFest 2 tickets already, i'll be going even if i haven't managed to sell my Clio and got a 350Z by then!


    I do kinda wish rene's/D13vyl wasn't all the way up in Scotland as i would of been checking that one out ;) Mind you i am a strong believer in traveling far for your perfect car!!!!


    Over and out!



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