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Posts posted by Thedancingmexican

  1. I hate iPods... :lol:


    That iTunes is the worst piece of software i've ever used in my life. I cant get music on my iphone its so shite - and i was a computer programmer so i know what im doing with a PC... :blush:



    I know itunes has its down sides but the beauty of it is its's soo simple even my mum can use it.


    Simple answer dont fiddle with it lol


    Thanks for the advice guys kinda wat i expected but dont hurt to ask.


    Is there anyone in the north london area with a nurrish system that i could have a look at/play with???

  2. Good after noon,


    Being a particulally quite day at work I have been daydreaming about GTR's browsing the web seeing if for some reason someone is giving one away (saddly not thou)


    But looking at the specs i came across the "Music Box" a Hard drive based music system, and it got me thinking.


    I would like to upgrade my system but keep it looking factory (been looking at nurish's system quite a bit)


    my question is if I could lay my hands on the "music box" could it be fitted to the beast??


    Thanks for the help

  3. Im loving the reflectors gents!!


    I thinking of getting myself a pair as my first mod can u recommend a good place to get them and how easy are they to fit??

    Are you a pre or post 06? Post 06 like mine and doogyrev are quite a challenge to produce. Dont know if you can actually buy them premade either. Post 06 . Do a search for marsman threads, it will explain all. If you have a Post 06 and want them converted it can be done for a fee. :lol:


    Nothing comes for free (although Xmas is the season of giving and good will!!) when you say a fee how much are we talking?


    I'm post 06 I didn't realise that you rigged them as indicators that's pretty cool!

  4. You can get louvre's cut in to it. Ive seen it done on some modern cars but I am not sure who could do it.... And do you trust them cutting up your car!



    Hell no!!! i don't like the idea of any1 driving my car let alone taking an angle grinder to it!!!


    I do a little more research and see waht i can find


    Does any1 on here have black 350 with the carbon fiber hood and is wiling to show me a pic??

  5. Good evening gents,


    I am lookign into getting a vented hood for my Black 350z GT but i dont want a carbon fiber one, Im not a track deamon or looking to shed weight from the car i jsut want a mean look and im not sure if the carbon fiber will look good the the black bodywork.


    Am i barking up the wrong tree or is there such a thing as a metal vented hood??


    Thanks for your help

  6. Where exactly do u put the 2p's in the rubber shoe where the spring is?


    You actually use 1p pieces but be careful - a lot of people have had the paint crack above because the spring is then sitting too high. Much better to get the struts regassed/uprated instead to do the job properly (having said that I've used the penny trick with no issues :blush: )



    Do the gas struts open the boot? I though they just stopped it banging you on the head once it was open.



    I have tried the penny trick but still no joy (mayb cos i only have one boot spring) so ill see if Zmanalex can provide me and go from there.

  7. Hay guys,


    I'm new to the forums and this my first post so if it's in the wrong section or I this has been covered elsewhere sorry.


    I have just brought 2007 350 GT in black and love it to pieces best car I have ever driven!


    But when I press the button for the boot the catch releases but the boot dosent "pop" up so I have to use two hands to open the boot. Is this normal??


    And can you by updated gas struts so that I can make it pop up even if the two handed way is normal??




    The model I have has the built in factory sat nav can u buy updated DVD's? Or how tricky is it to replace the sat nav with a touch screen jobby but still keepbthe factory look.


    Thanks guys

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