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Posts posted by brewi5

  1. Well this is my current baby, she's a 1.5 1996 mazda 323f, not everyones ideal choice when it comes to a modding decision but thats why i love her so much, its a rare sight to see one in good nick these days yet alone modded. She has a spec list as long as your arm and has won numerous show and shine's including 2yrs running for best in class at JAE. Unfortunatly i cant take credit for her, i did have a 323f before cleanie which i restored from write off to show condition however when my friend decided to sell cleanie as there was no more he could physically do to her and he wanted to start a complete new project i couldn't refuse. So here she is...


    see if you can guess where she got her name from... :lol:


    edit: rather than type out the modlist heres a link to it






















  2. Thought i'd drop in and say hello as i've just signed up.


    I currently do not own a 350z (let the abuse commence) :ban: haha! although i am hoping to get one by next summer.


    I am a keen car enthusiast and i've always loved the zed's, i currently drive a white mazda 323f which i LOVE to bits although the power just isnt enough for me now :( If anyones interested i will post pics somewhere appropriate. Thought before i buy i'd check out the forum n see how you guys have personalised your z's... and i love the ones i've seen so far :)


    Oh and i'm located in sunderland.

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