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Posts posted by Airro

  1. Well, around 4pm this evening, I decided to grab a quick bite at McDonalds.


    Parked up, went to the counter, ordered, sat down right next to the window, excellent vision on my car.


    It looked abit like this, X is witnesses car, Z is me


    [x] [ ] [Z] <- my car



              --l-- <-- Me



    Anyway, I see this Peugeot 806 doing some weird manoeuvres


    He then decides to FORWARD park in to the bay, I watched him swing his car in slow motion, literally, he was going so slow, i thought he'd stop but he carried on till he made a long white mark denting the whole of the passengers side door.


    Whole of McDonalds saw this, so he obviously admitted fault


    Will be calling insurance tomorrow....


    Not a good day...


    I only just ordered a spoiler yesterday aswell :(


    Lesson learnt: 1. never eat McDonalds 2. park atleast a 10 space free radius


    Edit - Can't believe my typo in the heading, lol, I have fixed this. No one noticed this?

  2. hmmm drifting into that pool with camera shots would look sweet! Very original mate :thumbs:


    hah yeah that would look really


    definately need some help with that, driver and camera skills lol


    you should try it, will be lookin out for your next drift photos :thumbs:

  3. nothing to split Nikon and Canon realy. Nikon glass is very nice / canon focus is faster. NOTE variation between are bugger all. The most important thing is which fits you best. I use canon and used a1D when pro - a while a go now - but now use a 40D which, franly is almost as good. There has been 7 yrs development between purchases here....


    Have fun, tune yourself then your kit. As a good cover all collection of lenses:

    10 - 22

    35 - 104

    70 - 200

    Thats what I use. The 70 - 200 is a f2:8 full frame model so x by 1.4. Even bigger !! Good way to save cash on a 300f2:8 that :D

    Did you HDR these shots ?

    Interested to know settings n stuff.

    Keep going, you have the eye :#1:


    that was very useful information


    i am lookin to get better before purchasing my next lense, so will keep these in mind


    none of these were hdr, i did try some, but wasn't too happy with the results


    settings varied alot, i did set my exposure around +2 to +4 depending how i felt


    i take it you're a pro?


    how difficult is it to get into it as a job or is it more freelancing?


    im in IT at the moment, so not the most fun of jobs lol

  4. I work in Tilbrook,surprised iv not seen you on my travels. Great place for a photo shoot,and photos look amazing,good effort.


    oh really? i worked there before at t-systems, now working in central mk

  5. B) very nice. Why can I take pics like that :dry::lol:


    im a beginner myself


    i used an slr i got for christmas, thought i make some use out of it


    then a play around with photoshop


    if i can do it, anyone can do it :thumbs:

  6. Superb!! All except No1 for me - looks a little too cartoon for me.


    But otherwise they are wicked.... If you don't mind me asking which camera and lense are you using for this sort of material?


    And yes, did you have wet feet after parking in the lake!!


    yeah it is, kinda wanted to make it futuristic looking, i do have a more subtle version on my computer


    i have a nikon d3000 with the 18-55mm lense that comes with it


    im a total beginner so probably why i havent invested in any more lenses, mainly why im practicing first


    everyone seems to be using canon, so not sure if to switch cameras aswell

  7. Another urge to go out and test my camera and photoshop skills, learning a few new tricks and eager to get better


    this is what i come back with


    any tips and criticism is welcome :thumbs:













  8. i had my gt4 wheels powdercoated (same wheel described in the thread) and mine aint cracked


    i read the thread, took my chances and still rolling on 4 wheels


    im guessing it is possible powdercoating can crack the wheels, but is rare....or it's rare it hasnt cracked mine! lol

  9. thats my car




    Ermmm....autotrader ad car and your car, I mean yours Airro, are different years and have different numberplates.

    Of course you could have two Zeds, which is good, cos it means you got one to remind you what NOT to do....



    ohhhhh yeah, what was i thinking! :bang:


    i thought it was my car...how did i miss all the S#?@! on it?! :lol:

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