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Posts posted by Rockweiler

  1. Your issue will be when you come across places that are being resurfaced and you get hundreds of little stones bouncing up off the road, they hit the bottom of your engine and bounce around in the bottom of the engine bay in every direction usually meaning your radiator gets damaged.


    I agree some cars might not have them but if they are there to start with its probably because the layout of the engine bay means its necessary. I wouldn't leave it off for too long

  2. Zed is parked in the car park outside the dental surgery where I work.

    Over the past 7 yrs most patients know it's my pride and joy.


    Today someone commented in a jovial way how nice I have kept it over the years, and if I wanted it keeping that way I'd better not hurt him :scare:


    I'm sure it was out of jest as I get on really well with him but having everyone know that the tango chariot is mine certainly ensures EXTRA GOOD customer service even when they are totally unreasonable.


    Anyone else fear for their zed due to vengeful customers/clients at work?


    Thats a dangerous threat to make, im sure dentists know how to be... less gentle... while they work


    or at least less cooperative when he comes to you in pain

  3. With the 276 you are also missing a few little things too, like being able to wind windows up/down by holding down buttons on the remote, or setting the remote to open both doors at once. Also on later models the little cubby with or without the satnav can have a motorised lid, my 05 doesnt


    My 05 also didnt come with a 4 button remote, but its possible it originally had one and the previous owner lost it


    Tbh had i known about them id still have gone for the cheaper 276 model as its still significantly faster than my last car and i didnt fancy the higher tax each year. 37 extra HP wasnt justified in spending 3-4k more on the car and £200 more each year. A low mileage 05 is good bang for buck

  4. IMO this will be treated as two separate things


    The legality of her road conduct, leave it to the police to dole out punishment or not. I dont think your wrong to report her on that.. she caused an accident through her actions and drove off in complete ignorance of the costs to you, the fact that she didnt give details afterwards and tried to blame you demonstrates that enough. If she only gets a warning then at least if she causes a more serious accident in future then she will be less likely to weasil out of it with some BS excuse.


    Then there is recovery of the cost of the damage, I presume now you have her details so I would contact her and advise that you have a price for the repair of the wheel. Advise her of the cost and offer her the choice of going through insurance or not. Considering the low cost of it.. I imagine she will want to avoid using insurance as her best hope is to get 50/50 and loose her no claims also. Its highly unlikely that she will do that just to spite you and if she does push for that route then you dont necessarily have to log the claim, you still have the option of just paying for the damage rather than paying excess+loss of NCD


    Ofc if she admits fault to the first part, you have a stronger case for her paying up for the second but either way I would avoid using the insurance companies, I realise there are alot of whiter than white people here claiming that even if you dont claim you should inform the insurance companies, I dont see that.. if you dont claim then your a better customer than one that does and you shouldnt be penalised for it. And its not really anything compared to the masses of people who lie and put an older named driver on their policy just to knock off a few hundred quid when its just outright dishonest

  5. Im after the following, hopefully from people who have replaced them on their own vehicles


    For the 05 350Z Birdview Nav system, the IR sensor... for some reason the previous owners of my car had severed the cable and I wasnt able to get it working by soldering the cable back together (possible some other breaks in the wire), the version of the satnav i have only has the remote for controls so its useless until i replace the sensor


    An original gear knob (mine has the top scratched off) i presume the woman who owned the car before wore rings that did this


    The metal surround for the dials, again scratched.. just doesnt look great so id like to replace.


    The bluetooth module, the connector is wired in but the module is missing - sorted, obtained via evilBay



    Contact me via forum PM or jascon-at-gmail-com

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