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Posts posted by jimmyboyb

  1. One of my zenon lights has failed. I have already had the bulb replaced which didnt fix it.


    I am going to take the bumper off again at the weekend to try to work out whats broken.


    Can someone advise on how I debug this please? I know it could be the power pack on the back of the light failed but no idea how to test



  2. hi cs


    I need to replace my disks and pads all round and dba seem to be the way to go. Can you give me a price for all 4 corners please?


    Also can you include pads too please - ferodo or something else you recommend



  3. Some help please!


    When I floor it and the revs get over about 3K the gear stick vibrates like hell and makes a load of noise.


    If I hold the gear stick tight it stops the noise but really wobbles in my hand.


    I have taken out the gear surround/centre console... also the frame/rubber bit underneath so you can see through to the ground. Tightened everyting back up and no change. Also made sure the knob is tight on.


    Done a load of searching and cant find any solutions.. i know a vibrating know is a common issue but this is really loud.


    Anyone got any solutions please???? (except hold the knob tight or turn the stereo up :) )

  4. I had the same thing happen to mine a little while back.


    Ended up cutting loads of it off.


    Not sure if this is doing something to wind resistance as now when I get to about 120 *cough* it wont go any faster.... sounds a bit silly but wondered if its not as aerodynamic as it was.

  5. I have just checked all the fuses in the car... well all the ones I could find.


    As its a JDM I wasnt sure which one was which so I checked every single one in the drivers footwell and in the battery compartment. All ok :-(


    Is there another fuse I should check for the aerial antenna?


    Any help appreciated.

  6. Hi,


    I have had a very long search before posting this :-)


    I bought my zed a few weeks ago and the radio isnt working.


    I pulled out the dash and the headunit to make sure everything is connected. All looks ok.


    So did a search and found out about the antenna/aerial has an amplifier. From the pics this gets connected with a brown box which is attached the the aerial coax? This is connected to a green/white cable from the headunit (which is a kenwood)


    Now I want to do a test to pass power down it to make sure it works. Can I just take a feed from the main power just to make sure it works?


    I know this isnt a permanent fix but just want to eliminate things but wasnt sure if the aerial amp on takes less voltage than the main power line?



  7. yeah will be sitting on here a fair amount me thinks :-)


    Not done the gauges or even looked at them yet as it wasnt till late I got home. Job for the weekend and let you know.


    Thing needs a bloody good clean first off.


    And as for modding i am going to *try* and not go down there.. yet anyway... but I have said that before.


    Need to learn how to drive a rear wheel drive car first! This is my first...

  8. Hi All,


    I am going to pick up a 350z import tonight. Very excited as not owned one before.


    But I have a question please and cant find an answer searching.


    The oil temp/voltage dials dont work. The guy I am buying it off said this is because the head unit had been replaced which controlled the dials. Is this true?


    Any help appreciated. Forum is great for info and only be looking at it for last 1/2 hour!


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