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Posts posted by flamingMoe

  1. Guys n girls,


    I'm in desperate need for someone to run diags on my 350z in the Watford area.


    I've tried booking it in to Glyn Hopkins (watford and St Albans) and both have a 3 weeks waiting list.... :rant:


    Long shot I know, but does anyone know of an independent garage that has the ability to run, and more importantly READ, diagnostics on 350z's?


    Cheers in advance


    Moe x

  2. Cheers chaps. I see your NYE is about as exciting as mine (for the record I've got to be at work at 06:30 and figured the fuzz might fancy tugging me first thing..... so to speak).


    Have a mate who runs diags on Alfas (he's a very busy boy), so hoping to get it in his workshop in the coming few days, fingers crossed it's something minor. Will keep you updated, in what can only be described as THE most entertaining thread of 2009.



  3. Evening all,


    I did introduce myself a while back, but I kinda went missing ( :drunk: ) for a bit... soz x


    Right, so we've had a little flurry of snow over the past couple of weeks, as you may have noticed, and I've pranged the Z on the M25. Nothing too bad, just lost the back-end while doing no more than 25mph, suddenly gripped and threw me, nearside frontend first, in to the banking before jct 18 (through the roadworks for anyone that knows the area). It then shot me down the jct 18 slip road and slid straight in to the roundabout at the bottom :doh:


    Theres very little 'physical' damage, just a few scratches to the front bumper (you can hardly see them to be honest), but will try to get a pic of it for you.


    Anywho the reason I bore you with this tale of crap driving is that it seems to have developed a 'squeak' coming from somewhere around the nearside front. It is extremely hard to describe and pinpoint, so don't expect you to be able to assist that much, but it seems to perform its 'squeak' when I hit a bump in the road) so thinking suspension (yeah I know, I'm quite the mechanic).


    It's not loud, but it is simply the most annoying ****ing thing in my life at the moment.






    You're going to tell me to take it to a garage, arent you? :dry:


    (been reading a few threads, I've missed this gaff ;) )

  4. My bad, sorry for pulling off a rather stupid move between you and the little Peugeot 206 when coming off the M1. It had taken me over 2 hours to get out of London due to some stupid triathlon, and I was in a bad mood.


    You probably don't post here, or even lurk, but it makes me feel better to get it off my chest.


    On a lighter note, the chap in the 206 was absolutely shitting himself :lol:


    [/repents all sins]

  5. To the original poster, I beg you to the Gods upon high not to buy anything from S200-4-u.


    I was insterested in an M3 he had for sale, and called the garage and was spoken to quite rudely. Ignoring that and putting it down to him having a bad day, I drove to the garage which was over 2 hours from me. When I got there, he refused to speak to me for over 30 minutes, and when he fainally acknowledged me, the conversation went something like:


    me - hello mate, I called yesterday about the M3.

    him - *raises shoulders*

    me - its the silver one in the corner, the 55-plate.

    him - yeah.

    me - can I have some details on ot please?

    him - Details?? You want details?? How about its sold, that enough detail for you?


    I wanted to **** that **** right there on the forecourt, but decided to just leave it and get back in my car.


    I promise to the same Gods upon high, I'm far from ****ing finished with that bastard.

  6. It just occurs when I pull away.... mainly when cold and mainly when reversing out of my drive (which is a fairly steep uphill slope).


    The car seems to be sound, no other odd noises or knocks, just the squirrel noise that last for a couple of seconds every now and then.


    I'll be very pi**ed if I find out that it is squirrels!!! I'm not a bloody charity :angry:

  7. Afternoon,


    I have a strange noise emitting from my car when I pull away, mainly just after starting her up from cold, but has also been known to happen when warmed up.


    It's very difficult to describe what it sounds like, but if I'm honest it sounds like I have a family of squirrels living inside my Rays.


    Has anyone experienced this beofre, and if you have could you shed any light on it?


    Excellent forum, by the way :)

  8. but, I just got back from a round trip (Hertfordshire to Devon and back) and my Z was ****ing filthy! She's been taken up rocky paths, in dusty fields, and was covered in dead bugs from exessive pounding up and down the M4 and M5.


    Just got her back from the Polish car cleaning chaps at the bottom of the road, and she looks marve-****ing-lous!


    That is all B)

  9. Where did you stay, fella? I run a Vegas thread on another forum as it's my favourite holiday destination bar none. Hopefully going back out there towards the end of the summer, staying at Paris again (for the waitresses if nothing else ;-)).


    I take it you didn't win the Neeeeeesan?

  10. Afternoon chaps,


    New owner, and must say I'm bloody loving it (although I did get my arse kicked by a tweeked Supra on the way home from work this morning, grrrr).


    Any who, was just wondering about the sat nav system on my 55 plate. Firstly, is it possible to change the software on it to make it look a bit more up to date?? Its ok the way it is, but the map view and layout looks a bit dated.


    Also, has any one integrated a TV in to their sat nav system, and if so can they give me a nudge in the right direction, please? I know it sounds a bi poncey, but I have a valid reason to have a telly in my car ..... sort of :lol:


    Cheers in advance

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