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Posts posted by simonwtf

  1. On the way home from work the other day enjoying the country lanes i rounded a bend to be confronted by the remains of the unfortunate Bodger the Badger, who had sadly lost a recent game of chicken. Far sadder than that is that i really couldnt avoid going over the pile of offal which made a loud clump as it passed under. Once home i looked underneath, apart from a few tufts of black and white fur on the mid exhuast bracket no problems, until i glanced at the piece of black plastic that shields the diff which had a big crack halfway down, this bit hanging off. Does anyone know if i can get one these from anywhere other than Nissan, I seriously worry about there pricing on parts!!!!!!!



    Personally I have nothing against Badgers, but they really shouldnt be on the road without insurance. ;)




    05 -----35k

  2. You just saved me the trouble of asking the exact same question. 4 x new Falkens and when pressing on, around a decent bend, there seems to be more feedback coming through the wheel than usual, also on the motorway i have detected a very minor vibration through the wheel. I did have all my pads done by a Nissan MD a couple of months ago, i would like to think its nothing to do with that! Tyre pressures are ok. Going up on the Four wheel laser next week. Starting with the cheapest solution and hoping to get a hit.




    05---- 35k miles

  3. Hi im new to the forum, Ive had my 04 uk Z since september 08 its now done 27k no major probs, just the usual, wind noise, heavy gears and clutch, tracing paper paint, enormous smile, admiring glances etc , however the other morning when getting out of the car i turned the wheel which produced a knocking noise, turning the wheel quickly back and forth continued to produce this knocking. Concerned this might be bjoints, bearings or a rack problem, any ideas i have an extended warranty and hope im covered!! :byebye:

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